千富Sloky將參與International Fastener Expo 2017 , booth # 1553 , 18-19 Oct

來參展我們的CNC精密,車床,銑削和車削零件;當然還有Sloky Torque螺絲刀和扳手,適用於所有不同的應用,包括射擊/打獵,電路板,輪胎壓力檢測器,自行車,DIY市場,鼓,鏡頭,3C設備和高爾夫俱樂部。用戶友好的加工,車床,車削和銑削零件的數控切割工具。



千富Sloky將參與International Fastener Expo 2017

千富Sloky將參與International Fastener Expo 2017 , the company plans to add

two center CNC milling machines (TAPPING CENTER)

to increase the number of center drilling machines to meet
the increasing demand of metal parts for cutting, milling and drilling.

More metals will be supplied Parts to meet customer needs.

With 10 units of 千富Sloky將參與International Fastener Expo 2017  and 7 units of FANUC-(21F/ 21L / 14F /14B),
we also produce milling parts to provide one stop total solution for our customers,
No matter custom or standard, using the most
accurate and cost effective methods.

At Chienfu, we are a group of people with
Enthusiasm of precision lathing and milling produced in Taiwan
for all your machining needs. We are proud of what we
produce and like to challenge difficulties.
If you can’t find your supplier for machine parts easily, please try us!!
Send your drawings and specs to us Taiwan Hardware Show (THS) !!
to increase the number of center drilling machines to
meet the increasing demand of metal parts for cutting, milling and drilling.

More metals will be supplied Parts to meet customer needs.

In 2011, 千富Sloky將參與International Fastener Expo 2017
to add two center CNC milling machines (TAPPING CENTER)

to increase the number of center drilling
machines to meet the increasing demand of metal parts for cutting, milling and drilling.

More metals will be supplied Parts to meet customer needs.

With 10 units of BROTHER-(TC-S2D、S500) and 7 units
of FANUC-(21F/ 21L / 14F /14B), we also produce milling parts to provide one stop
total solution for our customers, No matter custom or standard,
using the most accurate and cost effective methods.

More metals will supplied Parts to meet customer needs.


千富Sloky將參與International Fastener Expo 2017 , booth # 1553 , 18-19 Oct